Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Anyone for duck??


I have never ate too much duck before I came to China. Now it seems like I have eaten it 2-3 times a month!! This past Sunday I went to eat at Quanjude, which is highly regarded as one of the top restaurants in the city. It was a sprawling 4 story restaurant with at least 80 tables on each floor!! Here is my meal getting sliced up!
I get to make a little duck burrito, which still doesn't replace a Chipolte burrito!
Duck in my belly= me happy!

Very ornate in the dining rooms. Our meal cost $420 RMB, which is around $65 US. The average wage in the country is $300 RMB a month, so you can understand that eating in this restaurant is a big deal if you are from the homeland.

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