Monday, July 28, 2008

Tiananman Square

We are 10 days away from the the Games!! I have switched to 12 hour shifts out of necessity to cover for the lack of help that I have at work.

I took the day off to eat with my translator's parent's whom were visiting Beijing. We ate at a restaurant that served food from their hometown in the southern part of China. It had many chili peppers, making me sweat at a high rate, and also making my stomach complete a floor gymnastics routine later in the day! It was good, and I am not sure I will be able to to ever eat fake Chinese food again in the States (Broccoli and Beef, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Orange Chicken, etc.).
Today's weather was again foul, which followed 3 unfavorable days. Things will really need to clear up fast here.
I took the time to walk my lunch off at Tiananman Square. The viewing of Chairman Mao was over, but I will see him before I leave. The Square is getting decked out in tens of thousands of flowers.
These official clocks are all around the city counting down until the time of the Opening Ceremonies. This one is located in from of the Chinese National Museum to the East of the Square.
Looking to the North at the Forbidden City entrance.
Preparations continue with nice flowers being placed all over the city!
National Congress building to the West of the Square.
Chairman Mao's body lays at rest in his Memorial Hall to the South of the Square. I plan to visit him during the hours of 8 am-12 pm one of these days! (not the Shoe in Columbus, but the Egg in Beijing!)
The beautiful National Grand Theater comprises actually three performance theaters on the inside.
You have to walk under this water to get into the building. They had to be creative when this was built because it could not be taller than the Congress building, so they had to go down!
This is a very interesting article. I think my students have asked me all the questions already, so I guess they didn't get the handout. They also want to know about the NBA!

1 comment:

North Americana: People & Places said...

I like the photos from you opening ceremonies party. Sarah is a complete Olympics junkie. We watched the US fensing girls sweep the medals today.

We're tired of the crappy US news reporting from Beijing and it is much better to read and see the games from your perspective. The local NBC news affiliate has three total tools bringing us the worst all time coverage of the games.

Keep up the good work.